【转载】你不会陌生-谁是Ashley H?

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Ashley H,是马圈中最爱唱歌的声优!本期内容当中,我们一起来回顾她的(我们不陌生的)作品,然后一起去发现她更多的精品作品?

先来看看:Ashley H 在B站的两个播放数量最多的视频

Ponies Sing Disney Songs! [Cause Why Not?]

Ashley H 用小马声线唱迪士尼歌曲!为什么不呢?


  • Pinkie Pie -【Part of Your World】- 小美人鱼(1989)
  • Rarity -【Can You Feel The Love Tonight】- 狮子王(1994)
  • Applejack -【I Won’t Say (I’m in Love)】- 大力士(1997)
  • Twilight Sparkle -【Belle】- 美女与野兽(1991)
  • Spike -【When Will My Life Begin (Reprise)】- 魔发奇缘(2010)
  • Starlight Glimmer -【For the First Time in Forever】- 冰雪奇缘(2013)
  • Scootaloo -【Do You Want to Build A Snowman?】- 冰雪奇缘(2013)
  • Princess Luna -【God Help the Outcasts】- 钟楼怪人(1996)
  • Fluttershy -【Feed the Birds】- 欢乐满人间(1964)

Ponies Sing “Look What You Made Me Do”

Ashley H 用小马声线翻唱《Look What You Made Me Do》(Taylor Swift)

把 Taylor Swift 的位置改成 M6?emmm……

Funny Fact

这两个视频同时也是 Ashley H 的 YouTube 频道上【在翻唱视频里】观看次数最多的两个(不是在她所有视频里观看次数最多,所有视频里观看最多的目前是《Remembrance》第一集,下文将介绍)


Ashley H 看《Forgotten Friendship》的反应

2015年,在EQG电影《Friendship Games》上映前,Ashley H 根据 Sunset Shimmer 做了一个曲子(填词翻唱),表达 Sunset 见到 Celestia 时的心情:

Hey There Sunset/Celestia Song (Hey There Delilah Parody)

现在官方里面有了 Sunset 见到 Celestia!Ashley H 看到时…”Celestia”…”hug her!”…(细节详见视频?)



两个来自《Friendship is Magic》正剧的歌曲翻唱

【MLP】It’s Gonna Work Duet Cover ft Ribonchan

【Ashley H】Blank Flanks Forever 翻唱


【Ashley H】Give Up(My Immortal Parody)

【Ashley H】The Phoenix (A Daybreaker Parody)

【Ashley H】Reflections (A Trixie Lulamoon Parody)

【Ashley H】”Comply” (A Fluttershy Parody)

两个 Hallelujah 小马版翻唱

【Ashley H】Hallelujah Parody

【Ashley H】Say Something翻唱 Parody (A Hallelujah Companion Piece)


【Ashley H】At Last I See the Light Collab ft. BassBeastJD

【Ashley H】【Pinkie Rose】One Small Thing Collab Cover ft. Pinkie Rose


【Ashley H】Crybaby (Flutterbat 翻唱)

【Ashley H】Carousel (A Nightmare Rarity Parody)

两个来自 Magpiepony 的手书系列《Princess Trixie Sparkle》(共11集已完结) 的歌曲翻唱

【Ashley H】A New Era Begins 翻唱 (来自 Princess Trixie Sparkle)

【Ashley H】The Light of Friendship Cover 翻唱


【Ashley H】Revenge Collab Cover Ft. Silver Swirls

【Ashley H】Ponies Sing Gorgeous


Ashley H:

  • 平均约每周上传一个新歌曲翻唱!
  • 每50个视频中有49个是歌曲视频!
  • ……没了
  • 凑不够3个统计信息了……来说说 YouTube 版权吧:因为标题和标签包括《Forgotten Friendship》,可能是怕剧透影响收视率,孩之宝版权投诉把这个 Forgotten Friendship  的填词翻唱在 YouTube 版权下架了,现在只能在B站观看?

【Ashley H】Home RWBY MLP Cover PMV (For Forgotten Friendship Special)


【Ashley H】The Try Not To Sing Challenge- MLP Edition! (A Dorito Tries and Fails)

“And if you know me, you know that I love to sing. so”……(结局详见视频?)


之前说到了Ashley H翻唱过来自Magpiepony的一个大作系列的歌曲,那么Ashley H自己的大作系列呢?

就选取这段开篇作为简介吧 (`・ω・´) (因为我其实还没看过)

She rested her head on the glass and slight tears leaked out of her eyes onto the floor. She was so alone.

All she wanted was to be able to hear Fluttershy’s sweet singing, or Rarity’s words of encouragement, or Rainbow’s cool demeanor, or Applejacks honest words, or Pinkie Pie’s random antics, just anything. Anything that would let this broken pony experience joy once more.


她将头靠在玻璃上,眼睛里流出轻微的眼泪。 她很孤单。

她只想听到Fluttershy甜蜜的歌声,或者Rarity的鼓励话语,或者Rainbow的冷酷风度,或者Applejacks诚实的话语,或者Pinkie Pie的滑稽动作,任何东西。 任何能让这个破碎的小马再次体验快乐的事情。






【Ashley H】’Captive’ From Remembrance Ep7 (HAHCON Exclusive Preview)

Remembrance第一集发布于2016年3月11日,为了庆祝两周年,Ashley H最近发布了片尾曲《Stay》的完整版

【Ashley H】”Stay” Full Version (Remembrance)


“The most asked question will be answered today……”


Ashley H的OC故事【熟肉】【愚人节】

在这个视频里,你会了解到 Ashley H 是 Dorito Queen,她的最好朋友是 Silver Swirls,还有包括 BronyCooper 在内的许多朋友(其中其他大部分我都不认识……),然后后来她也与 Potato Queen(Pinkie Rose)建立了友谊?


由 Sunlestia 翻唱的 Remembrance 主题曲!很震撼的(°∀°)ノ

【Sunlestia】Remembrance 主题曲 (翻唱)


As we look back

On the days of the past

And face the, future with uncertainty

Your face remains

Like a colored canvas

When in doubt,

I turn to you.


You showed me how to become someone new

And the days we spend together, replay once again

In my heart

You’re there

Step by step



Each lesson teaches

Me to be strong

And smile at the

New breaking dawn


In Remembrance

The days become dark

Losing sight of my hope

Everything place,

Reminds me of you

Why do I,

Have to go on alone?

Why must destiny

Be so cruel?


I try to remember

What it was like to smile

But now instead I find that I am drowning in the never ending


Save me

From falling

I can’t see

Who I meant to be


But then I learn

You depend on me

You’re Healing me


Seeing things anew

Discovering Destiny


To make me proud


Each lesson will teach

You to be strong

And when in doubt

Please turn to me


I’ll live for you

Show you my past

And help you smile

At the breaking dawn.


In Remembrance


I love you, in Remembrance

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