音乐推荐 – Twilight’s Journey (Remember Me)

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注意:本文章原作者为Twilighteien Pie,本人仅代替发送,并不代表本人立场。

当暮暮启程前往Ponyville “结交朋友!”之时,她无法想象命运(和塞拉斯提亚公主)为她准备了什么。如此多的冒险和美好的时光……然而现在,一切都突然发生了改变。作为一位公主,暮暮要面对一些挑战和新问题,她担心那些带给她一切一路陪伴她的友谊将悄悄地遛进她的生活。尽管如此,她还是希望最好的结果能降临她身上,并希望在这个发生巨大改变的时刻,她的朋友们不会将她忘记。

When Twilight Sparkle set off for Ponyville to “make some friends!” she could never have imagined what fate (and a certain sun princess) had in store for her. So many adventures and wonderful times… and now, suddenly, everything has changed. As a princess, Twilight faces a multitude of new concerns, and she fears that the friendships that brought her all this way will begin to slip into the past. Still, she hopes for the best, and asks, in this time of great changes, that her friends not forget her.




Life is full of change

Nothing stays the same

No matter how we try to slow it

Time keeps slipping by; you know, it

Seems like yesterday

When we came each other’s way

And now I can’t help wonder why

Already, it’s time to say goodbye


For with a closing door

Another surely opens

Just you wait and see

And when you look back

On where we’ve been together

Wherever you may be

I hope that you remember me

Memories we made

Will begin to fade

And though I’ll miss you so my friend

It’s a beginning, not an end

Good will come to we who wait

Trusting, but not tempting fate

And even as the moments fly

Already, it’s time to say goodbye


Some may call it happenstance

But I do not believe in chance

And though I don’t know where or when

Our paths will one day cross again



Ponyphonic的单曲《Twilight’s Journey (Remember Me)》:

http://music.163.com/song/443277065/?userid=556740394 (来自@网易云音乐)

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已有 8 条评论
  1. nowindows9


    2018年10月7日 11:19来自QQ 回复
  2. Exhausted

    超好听=͟͟͞͞ ٩( ๑╹ ꇴ╹)۶

    2018年8月4日 00:48来自移动端 回复
  3. Rainbow Power TW

    很早就有的一首同人 改变的相当棒 循环走起

    2018年8月3日 22:50来自移动端 回复
  4. gold:)


    2018年8月3日 09:03来自移动端 回复
  5. Twilighteien Pie


    2018年8月2日 20:45来自移动端 回复
    • TwiShimmer


      2018年8月3日 08:31 回复
      • 明琪黛西


        2018年10月17日 17:19 回复
    • 明琪黛西


      2018年10月17日 17:19 回复