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原标题:In My Little Pony, what happened to Applejack’s parents?












It’s been in speculation since the beginning of the show, but the generally accepted answer is that they’re dead. It’s been implied for many years, but it seems now the show has finally confirmed it. There is much evidence to support this:
Apple family reunion: Granny smith says “all the Apples are coming.” and applejack looks out a window to see two shooting stars, at the same time and parallel and each other. The stars symbolize (the spirits of?) their parents, coming to the reunion. Stars are often used to symbolize immortality.
Where The Apple Lies: Young AJ and big mac arguing about who’s going to inherit the farm from Granny, not from their parents. This implies that at this point the parents were already dead. Also, Spoiled Rich/Milk is seen here when she is much younger and diamond tiara hasn’t been born yet. Since Diamond and Applebloom are about the same age, Applebloom probably wasn’t born yet either.
Crusaders of the Lost Mark: When Applebloom finally gets her cutie mark, AJ says: “If mom and dad were here, they’d be so proud of you.”
Cutie Mark chronicles: When little AJ leaves the farm to go to Manehattan the only ones to see her off are big mac and granny, not their parents.
The perfect pear also has tons of evidence that they actually are dead:
Everypony speaks about them in past tense.
Mrs. Cake and Burnt Oak seemed hesitant to talk about them until the apple siblings brought it up, not wanting to risk opening old wounds. At the end they seem nostalgic to talk about their old friends, implying that something happened to them.
The only frustrating thing about this is it leaves a big plot hole with Applebloom. She wasn’t there in any of the flashbacks, but neither were their parents, leaving the paradox that Applebloom was born after her parents died. For a while I thought she was adopted, or somehow she was actually AJ’s daughter. But Applebloom looks exactly like her father, only she has granny’s eyes. Or maybe Pear Butter died while birthing Applebloom, but that still doesn’t explain what happened to Bright Mac.
Some people think that the apple parents abandoned their children, went off on an adventure and never came back, but no couple that was that in love with each other would abandon their own children just like that. The only reasonable explanation was that they both died shortly after Applebloom was born, pear butter possibly during. It could be anything: farming accident, timberwolf/monster attack, disease, postpartum complications, etc.
Basically, they’re dead, but nobody’s sure how. When the show was first created, the writers said they “never quite figured out” what happened to the parents. Lauren Faust and her team liked the close family dynamic the four apples had, and the parents weren’t really needed for an episode, so they just left it open to interpretation.


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已有 10 条评论
  1. 飞机派Pie


    2018年11月25日 01:53来自移动端1 回复
  2. 如果说小萍花没出生,她父母都去世了,那小萍花哪里来的(细思极恐)

    2018年11月15日 17:59来自移动端1 回复
  3. 萍琪系青年


    2018年11月9日 23:57来自移动端2 回复
  4. CN-Brony


    2018年11月6日 01:51来自QQ6 回复
  5. 哇,当时完全没想过这个问题

    2018年11月5日 23:37来自移动端 回复
  6. 爱新觉罗•甄


    2018年11月5日 21:53来自移动端2 回复
    • PP


      2018年11月9日 08:26来自移动端 回复
      • Luna


        2018年11月10日 22:30来自移动端 回复
  7. 和诣秩序


    2018年11月5日 13:27来自移动端 回复
  8. 暮色绽放


    2018年11月5日 11:179 回复