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虽然大陆至今都没有引进《小马日常(Pony Life)》,但湾湾那边的台配版本已经播完第一季了,十分新颖的是台配这次居然翻唱了《小马日常》里的所有(其实就三首)歌曲。
台版《Pony Life》译名为《小马的奇怪(奇幻)生活》,由台湾先锋配音队伍配音,于周末四集连播。由于第一季的内容太少(第二季岂不是更惨),播出频道会在周六重播上周剧集,周末才播新内容。UP主火力炮灰一号上传了第一季全集的六个合辑,你可以在第六个合辑里同时观赏小马日常的主题曲与第一季完结曲《We Shine Brighter Together》。
虽然不清楚第二季开播了没有,但感谢UP主Jirehlov上传了第二季完结曲《Wild Heart Beats》的音频视频。
- [主唱]
- It’s a sweet life, still a little messy Magic life,
- 生活,欢乐从来不间断,
- full of surprises Fast life
- 有彩虹小马作伴
- 瑞瑞: Gaze upon my gems!
- 永远不孤单
- [主唱]
- It’s a fun life ’cause we got each other,It’s a cute life
- 有麻烦,好朋友一起作战
- Livin’ life in our own way
- 彩虹小马齐协力
- Come on, grab a slice of cake
- 解决所有的难题
- [六主角]
- It’s a sweet, magic, fast, posh, fun, cute
- 甜美、神秘、活泼、欢乐、迷人、亮丽
- [主唱]
- Pony Life
- 甜蜜蜜
- A sweet surprise in every bite
- 遇到难关不放弃
- Friendship, rainbows, whoo, all right
- 彩虹小马陪着你
- [六主角]
- It’s a sweet, magic, fast, posh, fun, cute
- 甜美、神秘、活泼、欢乐、迷人、亮丽
- [主唱]
- Pony Life!
- 好甜蜜!
《We Shine Brighter Together》
- [瑞瑞]
- I’m a stand-out pony
- 我是最棒的小马
(赞同)- A winner through and through
- 比谁都优秀
- But I’m just a one-mare show
- 不过想走得更远
- Without you and you
- 身边不能没朋友
- 其余的六主角:And you!
- 朋友!
- [瑞瑞]
- Without friends I’m a lime without a light
- 朋友总是无时无刻常伴左右
- When we are together
- 我们一起并肩…
- [萍琪派]
- We shine extra bright
- 大步往前走
- [六主角]
- It isn’t always easy
- 友情得来不易
- Friendship can be hard
- 要好好珍惜
- But for every friend I have
- 不管到哪里
- I trot that extra yard
- 我都会陪着你
- I’ve always got your back
- 遇到了困难
- For any goal you dream
- 也不能放弃
- Together or apart
- 我会在身旁
- We make the perfect team
- 给你加油打气
- [苹果杰克]
- When you hit an obstacle
- 如果有麻烦
- I’ll help you stay on course
- 我一定立刻来帮忙
- [云宝黛茜]
- ‘Cause friends will cheer you on
- 难过或沮丧
- When you’re a tiny horse
- 有我在你身旁
- 苹果杰克::We’re ponies!
- 在身旁
- [小蝶]
- Look nowhere else to friendship
- 迷路的时候
- Accept help when you are down
- 我会指引你方向
- [暮光闪闪]
- It doesn’t take a potion
- 友情的力量
- To turn the game around
- 比魔法还要强
- [六主角]
- It isn’t always easy
- 友情得来不易
- Friendship can be hard
- 要好好珍惜
- But for every friend I have
- 不管到哪里
- I trot that extra yard
- 我都会陪着你
- I’ve always got your back
- 遇到了困难
- For any goal you dream
- 也不能放弃
- Together or apart
- 我会在身旁
- We make the perfect team
- 给你加油打气
- 云宝黛茜:Who here’s on Team Friendship?
- 谁是我的好朋友?
- 小马们:We’re on Team Friendship!
- 我是你的好朋友
- 苹果杰克:If there ain’t nopony just like you, then you’re on Team Friendship!
- 每只独一无二的小马都是我的好朋友
- 小马们:We’re on Team Friendship!
- 我是你的好朋友
- 瑞瑞:If you’re yourself from the inside out, then…
- 如果你肯勇敢做自己的话…
- 小马们:We’re on Team Friendship!
- 我是你的好朋友
- 小蝶:If you got to meet and gree-ee-ee-eet your number-one fan, then…
- 如果你跟我一样有非常崇拜的偶像
- Finn Tastic和小马们:We’re on Team Friendship!
- 我是你的好朋友
- [暮光闪闪]
- [说唱]
- If you sneak into the Sugarcube Corner
- 趁大家不注意
- In the middle of the night
- 溜进方糖角落里
- To restock the potion fridge
- 补充魔药瓶
- Magic potions, friends with ponies workin’ there
- 跟店里的小马建立美妙友情
- [beat]
- 暮光闪闪:…then you come to an understanding with those aforementioned ponies, then…
- 如果你觉得自己和那只小马很像,那么…
- 魔药新星:Then I’m on Team Friendship! [大笑]
- 那么我是你的好朋友 [大笑]
- [云宝黛茜]
- Step up to the starting line
- 朋友之间没有输赢
- But friendship’s not a race
- 不必争高低
- When I’m trotting next to you
- 我们齐协力
- We’re always in first pla-a-a-a-ace
- 一起得第一——
- [小马们]
- Yeah! We! Are! Whoo! All together now!
- 得第一,芜~我们一起
- [全体]
- It isn’t always easy
- 友情得来不易
- Friendship can be hard
- 要好好珍惜
- But for every friend I have
- 不管到哪里
- I trot that extra yard(We shine)
- 我都会陪着你(一起)
- I’ve always got your back(Shine bright)
- 遇到了困难(发光)
- For any goal you dream(Brighter)
- 也不能放弃(耀眼)
- Together or apart(Shine bright)
- 我会在身旁(闪亮)
- We make the perfect team(Together)
- 给你加油打气(一起)
- [六主角]
- We shine
- 发光
- Shine bright,Brighter
- 耀眼,闪亮
- Together,Shine bright
- 一起,发光
- Brighter,Shine bright
- 耀眼,闪亮
- Together,Shine bright
- 一起,发光
- Brighter,Shine bright
- 耀眼,闪亮
- Together!
- 放光芒!
《Wild Heart Beats》
- (中文歌词无字幕,笔者纯听写,可能会有不准确的地方)
- [苹果杰克]
- The road ahead’s uncertain
- 来到陌生的地方
- Which way will we go
- 难免会迷惘
- To clean up this magic mess?
- 在未知的道路上
- Oh, how will we know?
- 该走向何方?
- [小蝶]
- There is no simple guide
- 没有地图和导航
- No map to lead the way
- 也不需要慌张
- [雷霆憩憩]
- Just listen to your wild heart
- 聆听内心声音
- And what it has to say
- 就能够找到方向
- [全体]
- Downside-up or upside-down
- 世界总是变化无常
- It’s topsy-turvy all around
- 把脸弄得晕头转向
- Just go and shine your light
- 操作神情别害怕
- And it’ll be all right
- 抛开耐心和沮丧
- Downside-up or upside-down
- 麻烦总是不断造访
- It’s topsy-turvy in this town
- 只能勇敢起身对抗
- Don’t give up the fight
- 有朋友帮忙
- Friends will make it right
- 就不会彷徨
- [暮光闪闪]
- When everything goes sideways
- 遇到困难不怕
- I can always count on you
- 因为朋友在身旁
- [萍琪派]
- When my life feels wacky
- 有你陪我闯荡
- You help me to push through
- 再困难又怎样
- [苹果杰克]
- Change can sometimes feel like
- 挫折太大会
- The world is gonna end
- 让人失去了希望
- [云宝黛茜]
- But if you learn to roll with it
- 但只要不害怕受伤
- [全体]
- It can be your friend!
- 就能够飞翔!
- 云宝黛茜: DJ Pon-3, bring that sweet, sweet beat! [echoes]
- DJ小马,仪器节奏![电音]
- [全体]
- Wild heart! Heart beats!
- 狂野!之心!心跳!节奏!
- Wild heart! Heart beats!
- 狂野!之心!心跳!节奏!
- [萍琪派]
- [说唱]
- Been to the future and back
- 穿梭未来过去
- Seen a monster plant attack
- 被怪植物攻击
- Played some Portal Combat
- 对抗了传送门
- Even met a cool bat
- 再遇到新朋友
- Popped a giant balloon
- 刺破大气球
- Met mechani-ponies, too
- 认识机器小马
- Got a sparkly updo
- 还做了完美造型
- Had a little comet trouble
- 虽然碰到困境
- Got caught in a bubble
- 被困在泡泡里
- Now we’re lost in the rubble
- 哪里都没办法去
- But now us players see a little chaos
- 但我现在了解
- Has a vital place in harmony
- 混乱也只不过是一种常态
- And yeah, wild is a part of me
- 所以我什么都不怕
- [全体]
- Downside-up or upside-down
- 世界总是变化无常
- It’s topsy-turvy all around
- 把脸弄得晕头转向
- Just go and shine your light
- 操作神情别害怕
- And it’ll be all right
- 抛开耐心和沮丧
- Downside-up or upside-down
- 麻烦总是不断造访
- It’s topsy-turvy in this town
- 只能勇敢起身对抗
- Don’t give up the fight
- 有朋友帮忙
- Friends will make it right
- 就不会彷徨
- Don’t give up the fight
- 快展开翅膀
- Don’t give up the fight
- 勇敢去飞翔
- No, don’t give up the fight
- 勇敢去翱翔
- Friends will make it right!
- 星光能告诉他!
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